Posts Tagged ‘pastor’

Good News According To JR Woodward

April 21, 2009

Hear Pastor JR’s testimony.

good-news-blog-series-picture-300x291 and

Good News According To James Ridgway

March 25, 2009

Good news for Israel tourism from pastor James Ridgway who sent some 300,000 tourists to Israel!!

Feb. 5, 2009

American pastor James Ridgway was honored late last month for bringing some 300,000 tourists to Israel since 1974 through his nonprofit organization, Educational Opportunities, which was also marking its 35th anniversary…

…The tours feature both Jewish and Arab guides. Ibrahim Matar directs the contemporary studies program for Educational Opportunities, a program in which pilgrims learn about both the Palestinian perspective and the Israeli perspective of the conflict. Matar arranges for all of the pilgrims to visit a Jewish settlement and a Palestinian refugee camp.

Matar said the tours “build a bridge for peace.”

Rula Shubeita, a tour guide for 12 years, said it is a priority for the pilgrims to pray and follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

“They relate to these holy sites. All of their lives they studied about Jesus, Jerusalem, Nazareth. It’s a great experience for them. It’s once in a lifetime,” Shubeita said.

Ridgway said he believes Arabs and Jews will live in peace one day.

“I hope I will live to see that day,” he said.

This article can also be read at /servlet/Satellite?cid=1233304689986&pagename=JPArticle%2FShowFull

Rankin Wilbourne

March 9, 2009

Rankin Wilbourne is one of America’s best preachers today. Given the historical disasters and current political realities, its really too bad Pacific Crossroads Church, the church he leads, has expressed negativity and now deafening silence regarding God’s people Israel and the Jewish people. Presbyterian theology needs a reformation regarding its views towards Israel.

Ironically, Rankin has preached one of the best messages I’ve ever heard on forgiveness.

Powers and Principalities was brilliant. (“Christus Victus”, loved the ending about MLK) and many more.

Check out some brilliant sermons here.

on work – work theology by Ranking Wilbourne 2009_05_17_Sermon_Overview_and_Questions

Brilliant sermon on the Holy Spirit.
Are You Filled With the Spirit – july 12
Are You Filled With the Spirit-Sermon07.12.09</a

Rankin on dating, being single, marriage etc Single Like Jesus Rankin Wilbourne 1 Corinthians Sermon08.30.09

Rankin Wilbourne on work – What a Changed Life LooksLike Work Ephesians 4Sermon051709

Marriage, Hosea and loving a whore –

Marriage A Story Rankin Wilbourne Ephesians 531-32, Hosea 12-4, Hosea 25-8, Hosea 31-5 Sermon09.13.09

Sermon – Marriage As God Intends It Ephesians 521-33 Genesis 218-25 Sermon09.20.09


Marshall Brown – A Day in the Life of Jesus Luke 431-34, great message on practical healing and salvation

Marshall Brown – A Day in the Life of Jesus Luke 431-34 Sermon11.15.09

Excellent sermon on How To Read The Bible by Rankin Wilbourne (except the comments on Israel and its blessings are misguided)

How To Read The Bible – Rankin Wilbourne 1 Samuel 16 1-13 Sermon02.28.10


Rankin Wilbourne on David and Bathsheba from 2 Samuel 11

Why do we disappoint ourselves and fail to meet our own expectations and Why are we constantly stuck in bad patterns –

commentary on LOST, the show, people trying to forget their

On war and the holocaust and abuses of power

Importance of term limits and checks on power
Why do we disappoint Rankin Wilbourne on David and Bathsheba from 2 Samuel 11

On power and secret unconfessed sins like pornography, (…then Amnon hated her with very great hatred, so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her…2 Samuel 13:15) and though grace abounds we must fear God because sin still has consequences in redemption. One of my favorite stories in the Bible is that of the Prodigal/Lost sons and the connection with Absalom (father of peace) is fascinating!

Rankin Wilbourne on David and Nathan 2 Samuel 12 Sermon05.30.10

Great sermon on sabbath and rest.

LORD of the Sabbath by Marshall Brown on Luke chapters 6 and 13 Sermon07.18.10.mp3

Good sermon on salvation and our gnashing of teeth in hell. We are like animals. (However, their is an error in the sermon against the Jewish people.)

On the Road to Jerusalem A Greater Salvation Marshall Brown Luke 13 verses 22 to 30

> “first century Palestenian jew” — did not think much about it.  I guess that is kinda repetitive.  Should have just said “first century Jew” I  guess??

Yes, “first century Jew” would be historically accurate. Sure, for most listeners it doesn’t really matter. However, for people who are familiar the middle east, the term “first century Palestenian jew” possibly discredits the speaker as inaccurate or biased.  Its not that its repetitive, its an accurate term AFTER Bible times and up until 1948.

Politically, this is a very sensitive issue because as I attached earlier the Palestinian government teaches that Jesus is Palestinian and Muslim! They are trying to discredit anyone who believes in the Bible, both Christian and Jew.  Example from the PA and Muslim Wakf – Palestinian Authority’s Chief Justice Sheik Taysir Tamimi: “No Jewish Temples ever existed, and references to Jersualem in Jewish, Byzantine and Roman writings were all forgeries.”